Monday, October 3, 2016

Funny family night tonight.  Hyrum gave a lesson he was very excited to give.  He asked us to write down detailed instructions on how to make a PBJ sandwich. We all wrote down the instructions we thought he needed.  I knew he was only going to do what we told him to. Knowing this I thought I would get creative and see how committed he was to following the instructions to exactness.  The girls gave some instructions but never got the bread out of the bag.  Tiffany gave him instructions that successfully made a PBJ sandwich and cleaned up after himself.  I provided the follow instructions.

1) Open the bread bag
2) Take out two pieces of bread
3) Place the bread in front of you
4) Open PB jar
5) Use knife to scoop out PB
6) Spread PB evenly over one piece of bread
7) Smack yourself in the face with PB side of bread
8) Open jelly jar
9) Use knife to scoop out jelly
10) Jam as much jelly up your nose as possible
11) Shake your head like a wet dog
12) Take non PG bread in hand
13) Toss bread at your sisters head

Needless to say we have PB and jelly all over Tiffany's new kitchen.  I was in tears I was laughing so hard.  The girls were not amused as they got both pieces of bread thrown at them.  I will hold Hyrum shaking his head "like a wet dog" as a fantastic memory for a while.

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