Monday, July 14, 2008

Soapstone Stories

We recently spent time at the family cabin and had a great time. Between working on projects and watching the "quakies quake", we had time for a few firsts. Ben, for example, showed us a great trick that involved puncturing a small hole in a soda can. The method: Shake and squirt. Sticky mess!

The kids all wanted to try this amazing anti-gravity trick. (Ben was more than happy to oblige.)

Somehow they thought that I should try this trick too. Trying to be a fun mom I reluctantly agreed. Not my finest moment.

By the end of the day the kids' feet were filthy. Rather than fight it, we embraced it. We decided to have a "Dirty Feet Contest" to be judged each night. The winner would get to display a ribbon drawn on a Magna-Doodle. This contest became an outlet for creative ways to get dirty feet (not my intention). Feet down, Eve and Hyrum won the event. (Hyrum was dirty all the way up to his shins).

On this trip, Hyrum also realized the benefit of his gender.

Mari discovered that she loves the cabin too.

Thanks Mom and Dad for making the cabin available. Because of this, we have been able to make memories with you and our own little family.


Funk Master B said...

Augh! This post just screams cabin fun! Can't wait to see you there next time.

Scarehaircare said...

LOL! These pics are priceless! Thanks so much for sharing. I really miss the cabin.