Monday, November 29, 2010

One More Reason to Love Elementary Orchestra

Ben had me listen to this day before our Orchestra Christmas Concert. I couldn't stop laughing.

Somehow I felt relief. I've been so occupied with thoughts of "Will we be ready for our concerts?" or "What if the violas revolt?" or "What if I'm tuning their instruments and someone's string breaks and they can't play?" "What if the parents don't think their students made enough progress to make it worth their time and tuition?"...."What if, what if, what if"....

I've done the best I can to help them prepare. Most of them have been practicing every day (Really!).They are all so excited to perform (most of them are performing for the first time ever)....

After listening to this music bite, I am reminded why I am a teacher...because I LOVE to watch my students learn and progress and develop a skill in something that is tricky. Even if our concert is not perfect, or even beautiful, I just have to look down at those beaming faces and know that it's all been worth it!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Gentle Autumn

I love the colors of autumn

The crisp apples and mountain air,

The tricks AND the treats (chocolate donuts are my favorite!)

Raking up falling leaves
and jumping in them.
Warming up after final garden chores.
Long walks with friends,

Take a deep breath and begin to relax....and yes, football season!

grace and charm,
Autumn is the ending of one adventure,

And the beginning of another.